
Monday, August 5, 2013

Wildest Water Week Ever

My little boys help me tremendously when I plan for our pre-school lessons. They are 1 and 4 and I usually test my lessons out with them first!  I take note of their interactions to try to gauge where I need to be for my pre-k 3's. This week during the "Wildest Water Week Ever", we are having lots of wet, messy fun! Today we experimented with float and sink! I was so impressed how well they grasped the idea of sink and float! Here is one of my boys giving it a test run.

 Making Predictions....
 Trying it out...
This week we will also experiment with Freeze/Melt. One way we are going to play with the changes of  water is by freezing marbles in ice cube trays. Then, we will take them outside and have a race to see who can get their ice cube to melt first to get their marble out!

 Into the freezer they go! My little helper was very excited to see what would happen!

We are learning about the stories of Jonah and the Whale, as well as, Noah and the Ark.
Here are some great Noah and the Ark resources by 123homeschool4me:

                                                          Great Noah Resources


I had trouble finding as many resources for Jonah and the Great Fish, but here is one that I thought was pretty good.
                                                             Jonah Resources

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